
Il portale dell'apprendimento online.

Quiz Concorso Allievi Agenti nella Polizia di Stato

INGLESE, Domande 391-400

L'ordine delle risposte viene modificato di volta in volta, in maniera da consentire una ripetizione dell'esercitazione.

Quesiti Risposta Multipla

2.891) We’ve got to do some shopping. We haven’t got … food!
2.892) I'm looking for a new car; I'd like ….. with four doors.
2.893) Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "I'd like to apply for that banking job but I haven't got ... experience in international finance".
2.894) Fill in the blank. "... was calling you this morning".
2.895) Fill in the blank. "... time do we have?".
2.896) Is there ... in the house?' 'No, there's .... .'
2.897) Find the sentence that contains one or more mistakes.
2.898) Choose the word or group of words which best completes the following sentence. "... your biggest faults is impatience".
2.899) I should be grateful for a _______ reply.
2.900) Choose the word which best completes the following sentence. "You were frightened by a concept which you ... in your own mind".

TuttoQUIZ.it, il portale dell'apprendimento online

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ASSODOLAB, Associazione Nazionale Docenti di Laboratorio
Ente accreditato e qualificato dal MIUR per la formazione del personale della Scuola - Direttiva 170 del 21/03/2016.
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Telefono 339.2661022 - P. IVA 03039870716


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